2024 Road Trip: Part 3 – Ghosts on the Coast

I like beaches, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t typically make for very interesting photography. I made my way to the Oregon coast, and was pleased to find some areas that weren’t just your usual sandy beaches. I stopped at this area along the coast where ancient lava flows meet the ocean. There was this neat feature there that’s called Thor’s Well. It’s basically just a hole in the rocks that fills up with water every time the ocean waves come in. Very cool looking, but also very touristy. That entire section of coast was very rocky and chaotic, though, so I wandered away from the tourists and found my own little spots to photograph.

I was still near the crowds at this point, but my neutral density filter came to the rescue and made the people look a little ghostly, which ended up making for one of my favorite shots so far

After sundown, I made my way to the nearby town of Yachats and got a room for the night. I was hoping to grab dinner while I was there. I had been living off of Cliff bars and various snack foods for the week. Unfortunately, this is one of those small towns where everything closes early, so the motel manager suggested I drop by the Dollar General and grab a frozen dinner, as this was my best option. I got to the store about five minutes before closing time, but managed to get a frozen mac & cheese for the night. It still hit the spot, though. The room was really nice, too, so I actually got some decent sleep.


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